Natural Products

  • 2x the SKUs of our competitors

  • 99% order accuracy

  • 95% fill rate

  • Almost 40 years of industry expertise

  • 99% delivery rate

  • Our travel products appear in over 3000 retail outlets

Natural is the new normal

Natural is no longer just a “nice-to-have” in your travel size displays. Consumers demand a wide variety of natural products and if you’re not offering the options they’re looking for, data shows they’ll go elsewhere. By investing in a comprehensive natural product strategy, you can grow revenue, increase brand trust and compete with specialty and natural stores.

The newest natural products with industry expertise

Too often, mass market grocers and retailers treat natural products like a niche or specialty offering. They dedicate limited shelf space to natural products, or offer one popular natural brand (think Burt’s Bees) and stop there. Our data shows us that not only is this strategy far too common, it’s actually a cause of declining sales and consumer dissatisfaction. Not only do Cashco customers save money and time through our one-stop-shop supplier model, they also rely on our industry experts to do the work identifying and sourcing new and trending natural brands.

Why Cashco?
Cashco Navajo display rack


"On behalf of Fred Meyer Stores I want to thank you, and all from Cashco for a fantastic year. From the inception of the program in Period 3, sales were up 30%, a fantastic accomplishment. We want to acknowledge to you that Cashco was one of our finalist’s in our vendor of the year award for Health and Beauty Care. Thanks for all you do!"


Greg Johnson, Vice President/Merchandiser, Fred Meyer Stores

"Nice Gain in Sales! Went from 38K on trial size to 112K. Up 200% in 26 weeks. Great Job, Thanks for the support! Thanks."


Debbie English - Category Manager HBC, Quality Food Centers

"Looks like sales are building as we got new stores on board through the period. Things are still looking very positive with the new trial size program. It’s really tough to compare these numbers with other categories, but I can tell you that trial is growing at a much greater rate than most of the rest of HBC."


Brian Villiott - Category Manager, Fred Meyer Stores

Our Customers